Water | Teen Ink


June 3, 2019
By AmberP BRONZE, Gilford, New Hampshire
AmberP BRONZE, Gilford, New Hampshire
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Water trickles through quickly, gentle ambiance filling the air.

Clear water, looking like glass has turned liquid.

Multi Coloured rocks, herding together like cattle.

Water wrinkling like the softest fabric, before smoothing out,

As if it’s been ironed.

Mounds of sand part the water, forming a tiny island.

The land stretches out, trying to take hold of the other side,

But the water pushes it away, and continues the journey.

On the other side, water flows more smoothly.

There’s no sound but that from the opposite side.

Pale sand pools onto the ground,

Despite not looking so, it would be less beautiful out of water.

Trees hide the water from piercing eyes, always ready to protect.

Come winter it will have a different beauty, but it’s peaceful now.

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