Me | Teen Ink


May 26, 2019
By justanotherangle BRONZE, Palo Alto, California
justanotherangle BRONZE, Palo Alto, California
3 articles 1 photo 1 comment

Apparently america is the place to be

A country built on the idea that we could be free

Free from unfair rules

And being treated like tools

In an unjust Monarchy

But can we really be free

If there’s no equality

Think about it for a bit

Sit down and talk to it

People say oh we’re equal

We’re America’s sequel

We are moving forward

But I ask you

What are we moving towards


I gotta get my answer out there before it’s too late

That’s what I see the future as

Cause everyday minorities are getting treated like less and less

Put everyone’s ideas in a box

Shut the lid tell them they can’t talk

But I wonder

Why should opinions contain us

Woman, girls, ladies, listen up

Be your own source of love

Don’t give it up

You should not be a beach ball that is thrown around for others enjoyment

Don’t let yourself be defined by men

You are more than an opinion

You are a woman

Don’t let them tell you its 2019

That we don’t need feminism

But let me tell you we need it more and more

Cause people are forgetting how to listen

When you go on a big roller coaster you have to sign consent forms

Cause you’re risking your life

There’s about a 1 in 750 million chance you will die

But when you get raped there’s no consent form

Any type of consent is torn away

There’s no, I don’t want a child

There’s no, I don’t want to risk everything

There’s no warning

No choice

You can’t get rid of the baby you can’t provide for

Not anymore at least

Even though approximately 700 woman die in childbirth every year in the US alone

But you won’t let a girl say she’s not ready to have a baby on her own

She doesn’t want one

Maybe she can’t offer the child a good home

Or afford to raise it on her own

Not cause she doesn’t support life

But cause she wants to live

Taking away her right to not having a baby

That's absolutely crazy

You might as be taking her education

Her family

Her relationship

And her ability to live a normal judgement free life

And isn’t that what America is all about

I may not pro-life

Because I’m pro living

I’m all about love and support and giving

But Why protect the rights of an unborn baby

But not the rights of a





It’s her body

Shouldn’t it be her choice

Shouldn’t she get to use her voice

But you silence her with a law

Put her life on pause

Take away her freedom

At least those are the stories I’ve been readin

It’s ridiculous

That you think like this

That  killing an unwanted unborn life inside her

Is considered murder

That having an abortion could land her in jail longer than the person that raped her

Doesn’t that hurt

Why humanity

This is not equality

Someone, please explain to me

Because we aren’t really free

Our country is run by a majority

Forget about equality

We can’t seem to see minorities

Why can’t I just be in charge of me

Why can’t I have control of my body

This country was built off the idea that we could be free

But freedom is equality

Just open your eyes and look, don’t just see

Cause America shouldn’t prosper as the place to be

If I’m not allowed to control my body

If I’m not allowed to really be free

If I’m not allowed to control me

The author's comments:

This poem is about the unfair abortion laws being passed.

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