The Ocean Call | Teen Ink

The Ocean Call

May 21, 2019
By cfrey BRONZE, Baraboo, Wisconsin
cfrey BRONZE, Baraboo, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The ocean calls to me   

like the seagulls in the morning. 

Whooshing waves of the sea 

and her melodies ever awakening.


Sweet and salty waves rush 

over sinewy palms. 

My sand soaked shoes step and brush

the pebbles with my Toms.

Treacherous tides fall 

while the sun rises too.

The white sails stand tall

as Triton delivers us into the ocean blue.

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece as a school assignment, but I enjoyed weaving so many literary devices into a cohesive poem. There are so many images you can create in relation to water and I liked to mold the words into what I want them to convey.

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