who I am | Teen Ink

who I am

May 20, 2019
By nachocheese7788 BRONZE, Parkridge, Illinois
nachocheese7788 BRONZE, Parkridge, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I am not anything special nor anything disgusting

I am not cool smart athlete or even interesting

I am only just average

I do not hold you back or push you forward

I only keep you constant

I do not slow you down or speed you up

I’m only their watching

I don’t have great achievements nor am i useless

I only am average

I don’t have stories to say nor anything to tell

I only speak

I am not here to help or to hurt

I am only here to inform

I do not hate nor like anyone

I only know them

I do not stand out nor do i blend in

I am only the crowd

I am not dead or alive

I am simply living

I do not have high standards nor low ones

I have only a few

I do not speak greatly nor do i speak at all

I only do when needed

I do not make relations nor do i destroy them

I only have them

I do not have love nor do i have hate

I only have neutral standings

I do not grow nor do i shrink

I only change

I do not learn nor do i study

I only have information

I do not sleep nor am i awake

I am only woke

I do not follow nor do i lead

I only walk the path

I am not average nor am i great

I am only learning

I am not useless nor am i helpful

I am only advising

I don’t teach nor do i have an example

I only show

I am not anybody nor am i somebody

I am only a person

I am not perfect nor am i flawed

I am only a person

I do not have perfect things nor do i have broken things

I am only a person

I am not a perfectionist nor am i a accident maker

I am only a person

I am not a person nor a robot

I am only human

I am not a thinker nor a destroyer

I am only human

I do not over achieve nor do i underachieve

I am only human

I do not do great things nor do i do horrible things

I am only human

I do not progress nor do i regress

I am only human

I am not society nor am i civilization

I am only human

I am not indestructible nor am i breakable

I am only human

I am not human nor a person

I am only who i am

The author's comments:

this piece is about how people think about them selves and others

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