Running | Teen Ink


May 10, 2019
By Ral_M BRONZE, Jackson, New Jersey
Ral_M BRONZE, Jackson, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Walking down to the starting line

With my heart already racing,

Thinking about what strategy to use.

Everyone looking at me

Wondering if I can get the win.

Crouching down as I get in position

Waiting for the gun to go off.


And the race starts.

Everyone zooming past me

Feeling confident that they will win.

200 meters in my legs start to shake

Feeling it pulsate faster and faster

Overstriding just to try to keep up with the pack.

Almost ready prove everyone right

And give up.

My lungs feeling like it could collapse

As I push through.

Passing one person then two

Until I couldn’t see anyone else’s back.

The author's comments:

It is about running in a track meet that I was going to that day.

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