The Future | Teen Ink

The Future

May 7, 2019
By Liv7 BRONZE, Moncure, North Carolina
Liv7 BRONZE, Moncure, North Carolina
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Mysteriously evident,

Distantly looming,

Dangerously harmless,

Vaguely exact,

It’s coming.

Magnified and repelled,

Anticipating and dreadful,

It’s so close yet so far.

A wonderful and terrible thing.


Choices and challenges,

Surrounded by opportunity.

Strangers become friends,

Friends become strangers.

The path rocky and unsure,

Fighting for control and losing.

The Future an immortal beast,

Forever to reign never to be slain.

The author's comments:

Filled with oxymorons, this poem attempts to capture the unpredictable unkown that is the future. 

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