Height | Teen Ink


May 2, 2019
By paddycakes1 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
paddycakes1 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Nobody in my family is the same height; My mom, dad, older brother, little brother and I are all different in height. My mom is as short as the little toe of a foot. She is the foundation of the family; her hard work stands out to me more than her 5’3 stature. My dad is as tall as the fourth toe of a foot. Standing at 5’7, his knowledge, wittiness, humor and determination connects the family; even with our distinguishing differences. My older brother is as tall as the middle toe of a foot.  My mom’s work ethic and dad’s knowledge shine bright for his 5’8 build up. My little brother is as tall as the index toe of a foot. He retained the wittiness and humor of my dad at his 5’11, skinny build up. I am the tallest of the family, like a big toe of a foot. At 6’1, I am known as the tallest for of the family. I think I resemble all the traits of my family; My mom’s work ethic, my little brother’s humor, my dad’s determination and my older brother’s knowledge. Our heights range in all sizes, but that is what makes us a special family.

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