I Only Feel Memories | Teen Ink

I Only Feel Memories

April 29, 2019
By HayleyHouck BRONZE, Amarillo, Texas
HayleyHouck BRONZE, Amarillo, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
You're always one decision away from a totally different life.

I stand below my God,

On his beautiful ball of hate.

Nature sings its gentle song,

While humans destroy their fate.

I reach out for something…

A feeling maybe…

A memory?

I find nothing but I force myself still.

The weather reminds me of that one day…

Yeah, that day when I felt that one way…

I beg for it.

My grasp stretched further as reality cuts it to the bone.

The memories grab my feelings and go.

I’m left just as I came.

The author's comments:

This was an experimental piece made for my creative writing class. I tried to incorporate poetic techniques I don't typically use. The story is supposed to express the feelings I felt I couldn't put into words. The idea is trying to find emotions in the material world around me and only finding it in the memories associated with the object. It could still use a lot of editing but I'm not sure where to go with it from here. 

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