A terrifying new home | Teen Ink

A terrifying new home

April 25, 2019
By annadassiee BRONZE, Verona, Other
annadassiee BRONZE, Verona, Other
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I want to talk about immigration

Where tons of boys and men

Women and girls

Give up their homes

To not give up their lives.

How in Morocco, Egypt, Lybia

Ghana, Ethiopia and Syria

Life is too difficult,

Food: too expensive,

War: too miserable.

I want to reflect about migration

I want to scream the pain,

I want to feel the waves

Of the illegal boats they take

To sail and hope for the change.

I want to talk about the Mediterranean Sea

pleasing crystal water,

Warm sand between your toes.

But not far away boats sail,

Tears are shed and women are raped,

Babies are born

And their future is sold.

The author's comments:

I am really interested and concerned about this topic, living in a country were people consider immigrations and immigrant are a problem and don't get the beautiful oppurtunity we could give them.

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