The Cruel Place | Teen Ink

The Cruel Place

April 23, 2019
By Saysay SILVER, Allentown, Pennsylvania
Saysay SILVER, Allentown, Pennsylvania
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A stressful place taking up all our time

Stressing our bodies and stressing our minds

A hated old building with monsters inside

Where a million souls have entered and died


Oh what a cruel place

A wasteful disgrace

Hours of tears and hours of hate

If you enter you may suffer great fate


The crying of children

The scraping of scars

Staring from the building

Watching the cars


Oh I wish I was outside feeling the breeze

Easy to hear, but feeling it will makes me pleased

Instead I’m trapped with no escape

Filled with brutal times, and filled with brutal hate


Oh a cruel place that’s what it seems

A dark room, no escape, where no one can see

Where the people are bullies and people are mean

Dead animals and the grass is not green


Oh what a cruel place, so cold and bitter

Where no one passes and no one enters

But no escape from these darken lies

For I have gone to that place where everything is just fine.

The author's comments:

This piece is about school and how kids exagerate on how bad it is and how much they hate it. At the ending I say For I have gone to that place where everything is just fine. Saying how it is not as bad as it is described.

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