Coming Home | Teen Ink

Coming Home

April 16, 2019
By Marraiah SILVER, Palisade, Colorado
Marraiah SILVER, Palisade, Colorado
7 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
You look good, you feel good. You feel good, you do good. You do good? You win.

I tried to fly

I couldn't remember why

And as I remembered

I was shot out of the sky

And as I hit the earth

I had realized

That I'd been found out

And would pay for my lies

And I thought to myself

Why did I lie

I asked myself

Why did I try?

And that's when I finally

Remembered why.


It started with a hug

And a quiet "Hi"

And grew into something

That money can't buy.

That's how I met her

The Love of my Life

The girl who I'd Live for

And for whom I would die.


In the same ed we'd lie

And in that same bed we'd rise

I'd be greeted each morning

By those ocean eyes.


That's why I had tried

Why I tried to fly

Was to get home to my Life

My Love

My Light

My wife.


And when I came to my senses

I looked around

My pool of blood

Was all that I found.


I was running out of time

This is how I'd pay for my crime

I pat myself down

Found a paper and pen

I wrote You a letter

Knowing I'd never write again

Never see

Never kiss

Never hug or hold You

I thought I'd never find Love

You proved that wasnt true


As my vision got blurry

I knew it was time

I finished Your letter

And let out a sigh


I used my last breath

blew a kiss to the sky

As I watched it carry my letter

I hoped You wouldn't cry

That You'd know I tried

To get home to my Love

My Life

My Light

And my wife.


With that I laid my head down

And I pictured You

The Love of my Life

As I smiled and closed my eyes

For the vey last time.

The author's comments:

I was suddenly inspired to write this in the middle of a class I had. I don't know why.

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on May. 29 2019 at 10:50 am
Marraiah SILVER, Palisade, Colorado
7 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
You look good, you feel good. You feel good, you do good. You do good? You win.

@AyanaTakenome Thank you <3

on May. 28 2019 at 12:13 pm
AyanaTakenome, Denver, Colorado
0 articles 0 photos 2 comments
This is pretty