Big Girl | Teen Ink

Big Girl

April 15, 2019
By KfK191 BRONZE, Nome, Alaska
KfK191 BRONZE, Nome, Alaska
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Not all monsters do monstrous things.

Today I am crying the tears of a river

Each tear makes a trail down my cheeks.

They seem to race, to see who can the


Only to meet a great drop.

You see this is where the river truly begins.

Or did it start with the thoughts

That you rifled through to find

The most painful and drag them to the surface?

Each tear was a memory.

Oh, look there’s the one from camp.

That one was my favorite.

But it seems that doesn’t matter


The only ones I can have now are

The ones that you liked the most.

Where I was on the ground and

Getting kicked by my thoughts.

Your dirty fingerprints tainted the

Best of them.

So now they roll down my face and

Make the puddle at my feet.

But you don’t really care.

You tell me to clean

Up my mess and put on

my big girl pants.

The author's comments:

When I wrote this it was late at night and I was morning the lss of my childhood dog. 

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