Thank you | Teen Ink

Thank you

April 15, 2019
By Kaityy31 BRONZE, Oil City, Pennsylvania
Kaityy31 BRONZE, Oil City, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me

for showing me

that i don’t need

affection from a boy

to live my life.

thank you for expressing

your filthy, gut wrenching ways

so i don’t end up

a black-eyed thief

like you,

my father.

thank you for the bleak

nights you’d leave,

teaching me how to unfreeze

our bitter black pipes

at 12 years old.

thank you for casting your anger,

aiding me to stand up

and shout so you

would leave mom alone

while your scaly hands would grip

and bruise her body.

thank you for igniting

me to be strong, displaying

what hatred feels like

so a boy doesn’t break

my heart,

finishing what you


The author's comments:

My father has been addicted to drugs for basically all my life. Throughout the years it has progressed and ended up very badly. But by him doing this, I would like to thank him for changing me into a person who looks at the world differently and to being a person who can take care of myself. The way my father uses and acts, it has shown me how harsh and bad drugs are and no matter what i will never use them. Thank you dad for showing me that Mom can be my father too. 

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