Bittersweet Tragedy - A Moment of Clarity | Teen Ink

Bittersweet Tragedy - A Moment of Clarity

April 7, 2019
By Anonymous

It feels outlandish and unusual -
But finally, realization seeps inside my heart.

The eerie tranquillity around,
feels like poison on my soul -
the poison of hatred, malice, malevolence 
and embitterment within all of us.

The cognizance seeps into my blood 
And paralyzes my brain;
There was absolute stillness,

Just mere seconds ago,
There is a tremor, now,

In my limbs and heart. 
I need to drink in the silence 
to counteract the fear 
that threatens to engulf me.
We are all doing the same anyways!

This kind of impenetrable silence 
would customarily petrify me, 
making my toes curl 
and leaving my insides to feel unsettled,
especially on an inky night
devoid of even moonlight or stars.

But tonight, it works like a salve. 
I feel it. 
The realization gnaws at my insides. 
Silence hung in the air like the
suspended moment before
a falling glass shatters on the ground. 
The silence feels like a gaping void, 
needing to be filled with desperate urgency.

Fragments of thought, 
splinters of words, 
and droplets of silence spun 
into a kaleidoscopic jumble, 
shifted infinitesimally and 
fell into an incredible new pattern.

I realized, 
There prowling in the twilight 
aren’t any phantasms; 
but our own fears incessantly 
reminding us 
that there resides a monster in all of us.

The author's comments:

Putting into words, the turbulence within our minds and soul. This is just to remind everyone out there that "the world isn't all sunshine and rainbows"; if the world were ever to be painted in grey, then the monster within us, would be pitch black, while the angel is still white - trying to not let the evil create an oblivion filled with darkness. "We aren't the ones living in darkness; the darkness lives within us! Because We Monsters are People."

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