Sometimes | Teen Ink


April 1, 2019
By NicolleB GOLD, Little Elm, Texas
NicolleB GOLD, Little Elm, Texas
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Sometimes I think
I think about
How my body is not mine
How my family is not mine
How my house is not mine
How I am just here in the world for a talk show

I sometimes think
That I am in someone elses body
That I live in a strange house

I sometimes think
That I am just floating in air
But when I stop I feel this hug
This big hug just there

And there is where I cry
I cry loud
I cry soft
I just cry everything out

I sometimes think
That I am me for a reason
That I have more blank happy feelings

But when I am in that hug
I feel like I am me
I don't feel like I am someone else
I don't feel pain
Or harm
Or sorrow

I just feel joy
About me
About my family
About who I am
About where I live
About everything

I just want to find out who I am
And who is controlling the old me

The author's comments:

Nicolle pours out how she feels when she is just sitting in class daydreaming or when she is taking a stroll on the road. She feels that there is so much more to the human but no one feels it. She achieves to inspire people to look outside and find their true self.

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