Stay With Me | Teen Ink

Stay With Me

March 29, 2019
By dovli23 BRONZE, Monticello, Illinois
dovli23 BRONZE, Monticello, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A lot of people think i’m mean.

Their probably right.

If I don’t know you,

I don’t care for you.

Therefore I come off judgy

And rude.

And I know this.

I have “friends” ,

Who aren’t really friends

I have family

That isn’t really family

I thought I had all of these things

But I,

I guess not.

We all think that the person who is supposed to be there for us,

In the end,

Will be.

But guess what?

They won’t

As soon as things get hard

They aren’t willing to stay,

To stay and put in the effort .

But that would mean that they have to care,

But they don’t.

They don’t care,

They’re just along for ride.

Ready to leave just like everyone else will one day.

So tell me,

Will you leave me,


Will you stay?

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