Do not wait | Teen Ink

Do not wait

March 24, 2019
By mschroeter BRONZE, St. Peters, Missouri
mschroeter BRONZE, St. Peters, Missouri
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Do not wait for me.

Whether I ask, I plead, I pout,

if I’m on the ground crying,

or screaming my lungs out,

don’t wait.

And do not look back.

Not even for a goodbye.

Not even for a moment.

Try not to bat an eye.

Don’t turn around.

If you do, I might break.

Might shatter to the ground

like broken glass against the concrete.

I might lose every piece of myself.

But I won’t admit it.

I won’t let it show.

Do not wait for me..

Just let me go.

The author's comments:

I was inspired because everyone around meis getting their life set and I seem to hold them back to live in the past

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