Driving | Teen Ink


March 18, 2019
By JacobBlack52 GOLD, Loris, South Carolina
JacobBlack52 GOLD, Loris, South Carolina
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Driving past

Blinded by the brights

It’s the Darkness in the lights

The lights like an eye

An eye into the soul

The soul of a doomed man

With a stench of smoke and gin

It’s really the lights that make us thin

Driving past

Blinded by the brights

It’s the Darkness in the lights

That catch my eye

No, my eyes catch the Darkness in the lights

If one stares too long

The end is questioned

Is It near?

The lights appear only to disintegrate

Envision a lightless life

Imagine a starless night

Believe the Darkness is within

Driving past

Blinded by the brights

The Darkness in the lights

Its meaning clear

But one has to wonder

Do the lights approach

Or do you approach It?

Does the Darkness wait like a trained snake

Or does the Darkness creep like a widow?

No, just driving past

Blinded by their brights

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