Seasonal Change | Teen Ink

Seasonal Change

March 6, 2019
By JacobBlack52 GOLD, Loris, South Carolina
JacobBlack52 GOLD, Loris, South Carolina
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

With Summer came light

With Fall came bare trees and bare hopes

With Winter came darkness

Both inside and out

Not sure if I can live without

Damn this crooked society

In the face of a wicked nation

I’m growing to be patient

To make my mark

To make my folks proud

To make my presence felt

Every blow I took was below the belt

But I’m through the pain

All the welts

Are for show

Toe to toe with my greatest enemy

It is the Ali of all enemies

All my success is just a tease

I could claw for help, beg and plead

Toe to toe with life

Face to face with death

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