Listen to me | Teen Ink

Listen to me

March 5, 2019
By JacobBlack52 GOLD, Loris, South Carolina
JacobBlack52 GOLD, Loris, South Carolina
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I’m tired of all the games
I’m ready to step out and expand my name
I’m destined for a change

Been through so much I deserve some fame

I deserve to live
I deserve to love
I deserve to hope

I crave this dream bigger than what my imagination seems

But I ask myself what is my dream?

Do I write these words to express my pain
Or do I push it away and call His name
Am I meant to build in the engineering field
Or am I meant to lay in some ally way

Only 17

But have more thoughts than the English Queen

But it’s not what it seems
Cause I got people behind my back
I got people to my front
I got people by my side

Yet the only person I see is myself
The battles I face are in my head
Lying in the dark weeping in my bed
It’s not the way life should be

But one day you will be set free
Until that day
You either cry and lay
Or face life and find a way

The author's comments:

For me, this piece was written when I was in a dark place. It was the first poem I wrote, and it was the only sucessfully way I was able to coupe after the death of my grandparents. 

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