Two Doors | Teen Ink

Two Doors

February 26, 2019
By bjbower BRONZE, Cascade, Iowa
bjbower BRONZE, Cascade, Iowa
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Life is a series of choices,
sometimes we turn right,
sometimes we turn left,
either way we make a choice.

The choices we make lead to more,
there will always be another door,
every choice has two doors,
but you can only choose one.

Some doors reveal joyous opportunities,
others reveal upsetting results,
yet both will happen,
and you will have to open another door.

You can never turn back,
and you never have time to think
cause there is another choice to be made,
but you are not ready.

You are curious.
What if you turned left?
Why waste time wondering,
just try again.

This is life,
a series of choices,
a series of doors.
We always have a choice.

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