ode to my phone | Teen Ink

ode to my phone

February 25, 2019
By Team_hotpocketz BRONZE, Sacramento, California
Team_hotpocketz BRONZE, Sacramento, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Every morning I slap my bed to look for you

I see you patiently waiting for me.

I turn you on ,

Screen as bright as xenon headlights.

You stay with me all day

Screaming for me.

Every app yells louder and louder

Till i turn you on.

You traveled by yourself very far,

All the way to moms secret black hole.

You still won't make a peep

Where that spot is.

You store lots of memories for me,

You help me not forget.

Sometimes if i let you sleep and get energy for too long

You get as hot as the earth's crust.

You stay in my pocket,
As quiet as you can be.

Even though sometime you make a little peep

I try not to give you attention,

But not for long.

Your as black as midnight,

But can turn as white as paper.

Sometimes you make me mad

But i still love you,

I can't leave without you.

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