No Title | Teen Ink

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February 20, 2019
By VII BRONZE, Georgetown, Texas
VII BRONZE, Georgetown, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
To live is to die young. Once you've missed those chances of a life time, there's nothing more to your life than what an everyday Joe does. -VII aka this is my quote, I made it to help fight my anxiety which stopped me from taking opportunities.

There was a man, standing at my window. 


Not a word was spoken but I understood the man.

The man was staring in from the living room.

Watching my borthers and sisters play with their new toys,

gifted to them by another man, being taught lessons by another man, being scolded by another man and being cherished by another man. 

My mother being embraced by another man, being loved by another man, being touched by another man and being in love with another man. 

The man did not spoke a word but I still undestood the man.

The man crying at the window.

The man.

My father

The author's comments:

All my work has no offical meaning, you have to give it meaning. What do you feel? That is the answer.

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