Perfectionism | Teen Ink


February 18, 2019
By Anonymous

I am the definition of a perfectionist.

In my mind, everything has to be perfect or I feel like a failure.

I believe that not getting the starring role in my dance routines, not getting an A+ on my Latin test which I worked countless nights on, or forgetting the homework assignment that I had on the kitchen counter is a catastrophe and horrible.

But my definition of failing is someone else's success. See, I set the bar so high for myself and not even a genius could reach it.

So, in effect, I’m bound to fail sometimes.

To make matters worse, I prevent myself from even accepting a C or B I get on a few assignments or evaluating the grade and why I got it.

I expect the A because I have gotten used to it and don’t even pat myself on the back for doing so well.

And, it's not healthy.

If I never learn from my mistakes, I will never grow or be proud of myself for what I accomplish because I will always criticize myself.  

I want to make my parents, teachers, uncles, aunts, grandmothers, grandfathers, and everyone around me proud of what I accomplish. But in reality, I don’t even accept the grade  I do get.

Maybe these little imperfections that enter into my life are what I look forward to more,

Because when life hits me in the face, maybe I will be happy to know not everything I do has to be perfect.

Because I am enough.

The author's comments:

This is a poem about how I struggle with being perfect and how I put so much pressure on myself to succeed. Enjoy!

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