For a Girl | Teen Ink

For a Girl

February 15, 2019
By Tardismatrix BRONZE, 60068, Illinois
Tardismatrix BRONZE, 60068, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Different people have different expectations

Weighing on their shoulders.

Different for boys,

Different for girls,

Different for men,

Different for women.

People say:

Boys should be strong,

Girls should be graceful.

But I can throw hard too.

I can run fast,

I can jump high.

For a girl.

If I were not a girl,

Nobody would notice,

Nobody would care.

I would be normal for my kind.

But I am a girl.

So they notice.

They are surprised.

For a girl,

They didn’t expect me to be good.

Not as good as them.

Not better.

Not a girl.

For a girl,

I excel at things

They don’t expect me to excel at.

This is why they notice me.

Because they say I am different.

The author's comments:

People are constantly surprised at how hard I can throw compared to some of the other girls, and even some of the guys. At first, I was slightly annoyed at how they had already set low expectations for me since I was a girl, but I totally understand. I see so many girls who just stand in the corner, holding the dodgeballs. Not everyone, of course, is like this, but there are quite a few. And if sports aren’t their forte, that’s fine. I’m sure they excel at at least a few other things. But, anyway, this brings down what others expect of me. But then I learned to enjoy the look on people faces when they first see me throw. The look of surprise on their faces, followed by a smile in my direction is super fun to see.

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