The Factor of Not Being (a desire to belong) | Teen Ink

The Factor of Not Being (a desire to belong)

January 31, 2019
By Anonymous

I’m a nobody,

a stranger to this world.

I’m a nobody,

who believes she isn’t hurt

but she is

or I mean I am.

Believing she had a purpose

to become someone one day,

to believe she had a choice

to fly free above this place.

It ain’t like that no more.

It ain’t like that at all.

I’m a nobody.

I’m a nobody who believed she had a chance,

who seeked nothing more but to make others laugh,

who seeked to be herself without being judged.

Sometimes she thinks she’s had enough.

She’s tired…

I’m tired.

Tired of all the being made fun of,

all the comments,

all the thoughts that come to mind because I can’t speak properly.

It seems I have a duel in my mouth all the time.

I’m bilingual, and it’s a problem.

It’s an issue, I don’t mind but you do.

I’m an issue,

I’m a problem;

therefore, I’m a nobody.

I’m a nobody.

I walk towards a wall and seem to go through,

I walk and I talk but have never really met you;

who are you truly?

A nobody too?

Who claims to be my friend;

yet, you laugh as I fall.

I thought we’ve met before,

somewhere in the past.

I thought I finally met you,

I thought I’d found the one.

The one who’d never let me down

and if I fell would’ve given me a hand.

I thought you were my friend,

You hurt me and that’s that.

I’m sorry,

I truly am,

I’m sorry for being that nobody

The nobody who never stabbed you in the back.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Feb. 10 2019 at 11:37 am
Nobody05 BRONZE, Elgin, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
“If you stare at the center of the universe, there is coldness there. A blankness. Ultimately, the universe doesn't care about us. Time doesn't care about us. That's why we have to care about each other.”
― David Levithan, Every Day

Wow that is amazing. I can't believe how so many emotions could just be wrapped up in just a few words. Thanks for sharing this. I love this poem.