Not That Different | Teen Ink

Not That Different

January 30, 2019
By maubry BRONZE, Felton, California
maubry BRONZE, Felton, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

We Be Proud,

they take it away,

the culture that gives us purpose.

We try to understand

from whence we came,

the unknown places

across unnecessary borders

into others lands.

They claim neutrality,

yet ignore the reality:

the pleas for help,

the children crying,

the dreams dying.

Only now do some understand,

that we are not that different,

you and me,

you just have all that privilege

you can not even see.

Never will power proclaim,

we were mistaken-we are sorry-how can we make amends,

the remediation never comes.

We are fragmented.

Just because some

are perceived as different.

The author's comments:

What inspires me as a poet is the beauty in everyday life, all the frames we witness as our day progresses and the big picture of consecutive occurrence. I hope my poetry initiates pontification, imagination, emotion, and reflection in all who chance to read it.   

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