Walls | Teen Ink


January 30, 2019
By Raininawell BRONZE, Attleboro, Massachusetts
Raininawell BRONZE, Attleboro, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Build the wall between religion and rule

The book of the Bible should not decide what is cool

Build the wall between color and law

If we were all  BLIND we could SEE  the system is flawed

The color of your skin

What religion you’re in

The person you love

Whether you're a they, her or him

Should not affect the rights and respect you are given

Life is a game, we should all be able to win it

Walls are built for support, safety and structure

With these invisible barriers we can protect ourselves and one another

the man in the White House wants to build them with stone

he wants the wrong kind for the wrong reasons

Unfortunately he's not alone

Isolation, separation doesn't solve any problems

It just creates more, and makes it harder to solve them

Land of the free?

Home of the brave?

Ha, yeah right

That only works if people learn to behave

Open your mind

Open your heart

Or this country we live in is bound to fall apart

These walls do more harm than good because hate is what they're made of

But our homophobia,  sexism, and racism do more damage than the people were afraid of

funny how that works, huh?

Build the wall between religion and rule

The book of the bible should not decide what is


Build the wall between color and law

If we were all  BLIND we could SEE  the system is flawed

The color of your skin, what religion you’re in, the person you love , or whether you're a they, her or him

Should not affect the rights and respect you are given

Life is a game, we should all be able to win it

The author's comments:

My name is Lorraine. I am a student in high school, with a passion for art, music, and all things creative.

This poem/rap was written for an English assignment. I was asked to write a modern take on music of the Revolutionary period using current events and themes.

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