The Sun | Teen Ink

The Sun

January 25, 2019
By AlyssiaO5 BRONZE, Bayonne, New Jersey
AlyssiaO5 BRONZE, Bayonne, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The sun is always there for me

It becomes the light of my life

They say that the sun will always rise

Day after day

Sunrise after sunrise

Heartache after heartache

It gives me love

It gives me attention

It gives me hope

But one day

The sun won’t rise

He won’t come back

And he won’t be coming back to my door

And he’ll signal to the moon

To come back and replace him

And he’ll plunge my world back into darkness

And no matter how hard Mr. Moon will try

He’ll never replace my sun

You take a few days

To revel in the moon’s brightness

To stare at its inviting face

Beckoning you to happiness

But a few days go by

And the emptiness of it all consumes you

A few months later

You’re still a little empty

The hole in your chest, although bandaged, rips open time to time

Until a few months later

You’re lying in bed

And an epiphany strikes you

You don’t need them

They didn’t need you

The moon, just like the sun, lights up the dark


Without the dark

Without the moon

You would have never been able to see the stars

And suddenly the moon is a choice

Not one of desperation

But of love

The author's comments:

My name is Alyssia, and I'm an eight grader with a passion for reading and writing. WhenI wrote the peom, I was heartbroken, and because of this, I was able to turn my feelings int art. I slept on it for a few months, and when I felt better, I decided to continue it. I feel as though it shows the range of emotions that occurs when you're not feeling yourself. After a struggle, this is what came out of it all; something beautiful and worthwhile.

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