Little does life know | Teen Ink

Little does life know

January 14, 2019
By NicolleB GOLD, Little Elm, Texas
NicolleB GOLD, Little Elm, Texas
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Little does life know that I am knocking on its front door trying to get in

Little does life know that I am getting ready for the fight

Little does life know that I am hearing it’s back talk about me


Little does life know that there is only one person who controls me

Little does life know that I am a warrior deep within

Little does life know that it can’t touch me before going through fire

Little does life know that the one that is the only one is ME


Hearing things can lead to down falls

Hearing things can lead to fights

Hearing things can lead to life upsets


So little does life know that there are walls it needs to climb

Little does life know that it can’t control me

And little does life know that I have a power

So little does life know that I am coming for it

In its sleep

In its time

It can hear me start to climb

It can hear me make this rhyme

Little does life know that I have Jesus

The author's comments:

Nicolle Belieny is a high school student at Leadership Prep School Secondary Campus. Nicolle started writing in the fourth grade, with her book and play script. Nicolle is American, Brazilian, and Italian. Her name is originated in Italy and is very rare, because of the two L's. She loves to stay with her family, friends, and dog. She also adores to make YouTube videos, play video games, play outside, craft, play volleyball, hang with her friends at the mall, shop, play with her dog, and stay with her little brother and sister.

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