Baking | Teen Ink


January 11, 2019
By Vivi SILVER, Frisco, Texas
Vivi SILVER, Frisco, Texas
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise" - Victor Hugo

I take the butter out of the fridge

Throwing it in the mixer with the sugar,

I turn it on,

The loud whir of the mixer fills the air,

Blocking out every other noise

As I try to sift the flour into a bowl

I get a cloud of flour in my face and all over me

Adding vanilla to the butter and sugar

I mix it a bit more before finally folding in the flour

Wait, I forgot the cocoa powder

Sifting in the cocoa there is a cloud right above me

but the sweet smell of chocolate fills the air,

Transporting me to a place made of chocolate

I put the dough in the fridge,

But take it out once realizing,

There are NO chocolate chips

Fixing the mistake I place it in the fridge

This time making sure I have everything

Preheating the oven I line a cookie sheet with paper

While sneaking bites of cookie dough

I shape them and line the sheet

Putting them in the oven all I think about is the

Warm, gooey chocolatey cookies that are still in the oven

Just then the timer rings

Out come the cookies

And without any hesitation,

I bite one only to burn my tongue

I let the cookies cool down

but then I see,

how baking is what calms me down

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