The World Sucks | Teen Ink

The World Sucks

January 11, 2019
By gdoan BRONZE, Frisco, Texas
gdoan BRONZE, Frisco, Texas
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light"- Dumbledore

We live in a cruel world.
It's true.
People die everyday,
People get cancer,
People get murdered,
Life sucks.

It seems that
Good things happen
For the purpose of making the bad things
Like slapping a sunburn that already hurts.
Bad things happen to good people.
Good things happen to bad people.
Nothing seems fair.

Villains grow stronger than heroes.
All joy gets lost.
And you forget
The beauty of the world,
The wonderful world.
The magic you believed at a kid
Is gone.

But if something truly terrible happens,
A near death experience,
Your dad attempts suicide,
Your mom has a heart attack,
Or you realize that
Of your family
Has been to an asylum for depression,
The whole world changes.

You appreciate what's good,
And you see that the
World is just too
Wonderful for anyone
To realize.

When an ambulance
I wonder if a baby was born.
My childhood magic is back.
I find amazement in
As simple as the fact,
That a pencil

I feel like a bird
Finally free to see
All beauty,
All glory,
All peace,
All love.

And what seemed
To make a day
The worst day ever,
Just makes a day
An average day.
And what made a day
Good makes it

Now I truly believe
That bad things
Only exist
To make the good things

Like if the whole world
Was underwater
Nothing would be wet;
If everything was good,
Nothing would be.
So yes
The world

Bad things will happen,
But life is created every minute,
Every second,
And that is worth celebrating.
Find the beauty in life,
Let optimism

The author's comments:

This piece means a lot to me, and I hope it's well loved.

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