from an aspiring solivigant | Teen Ink

from an aspiring solivigant

January 9, 2019
By dkellymoira BRONZE, Longmeadow, Massachusetts
dkellymoira BRONZE, Longmeadow, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

humans like to say

we are made up of stardust.

that we are a small part

of a limitless universe

lit by glowing golden city windows

and ornaments of fire,

and that this is enough.


take my useless, star-dust body

and let me trade it for wind

so i can experience our universe

instead of just exist in it.

i want to shout into the grand canyon

and hear my voice echo against its marble walls.

i want to stand atop mount everest

and make deep footprints in the clouds.

i want to fly away from earth, into the galaxy

and see those glowing windows up close,


i want to journey through planets made of stained glass

and place strange flowers in my hair.


the rest of humanity can keep their bodies and their sayings,

but give me the unknown and unnamed.

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