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January 8, 2019
By jodilamborn BRONZE, Glen Mills, Pennsylvania
jodilamborn BRONZE, Glen Mills, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Trust your heart if the seas catch fire and live by love though the stars walk backward." -e.e. Cummings


My greatest fear.

And yours.

We are destined for greatness.

From the moment we were born,

Everything we did lead us in the direction we were supposed to go.

Every kiss was the greatest love story.

Every victory was a step out of the labyrinth of mundanity.

Until we realized that we were wasting away precious time,

Believing with every essence of our beings

That our greatness was supposed to have already begun.

We were wasting time waiting for our lives to begin,

For the moment, the turning point, that would forever set us apart.

I am lost.

I am lost in a wood where love has never been known.

We are lost,


Unknowing of the world that turns without us.

We forget that in order to love one another,

We must first love ourselves.

So now, we are separated from each other because I could not love.

But not an hour goes by,

Nor a minute,

Even a second when you don’t enter into my mind.

As I continue to learn that mundanity is the beauty of the world

And my place in this life is exactly right,

Then our time together will come.

The place where the sea meets the skyline,

That’s where I’ll be waiting.

The author's comments:

This delves into the a lot of the interpersonal struggle I have been trying to maintain for most of my life, but recently have been unable to control. 

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