Wake Up! | Teen Ink

Wake Up!

January 3, 2019
By Anonymous

The hellish fiery sunlight peers through

And I try to say no

But it keeps on pushing me.

My protests go unnoticed

Like I have no say in the matter.

I want to scream at the Earth

And it’s cursed orbit

Especially when it just sits

And allows the sun to abuse me.

I’m pulled from my coop,

And that fire in the sky

Taunts me.

It glares at me maliciously,

Its beams striking my skin.

Why do we deserve it?

Our misery blinds us

And realization

Never settles in.

We never notice this gift,

Never acknowledging

The gift of waking

Another morning

And the gift of the sun

Like a mother, providing

With no appreciation.

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