Tape 1 | Teen Ink

Tape 1

December 24, 2018
By ammonymous24 BRONZE, Ft Knox, Kentucky
ammonymous24 BRONZE, Ft Knox, Kentucky
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us."
-Marianne Williamson

7 letters to tempt a soul

To charm the diamond and turn it dull

A powerless inanimate that takes control

The greatest nothing that could take a toll

A faint hope

Escape this and leave us broken 

Disappear and leave our pages blank

Take your life and ours is stolen

Relieve your weight and We sink

But this is just another poem

I another poet

But this is 13 reasons why she cut her wrist

Why he drowned himself

Why she pulled the trigger

The 13 reasons why the picture is never bigger

A crude tone, a selfish heart, and 13 wounds to bare

12 days of falling apart while everyone is unaware

11 times of contemplating; who will miss them when they're gone

10 situations explaining all the sad songs

9 feelings of brokenness, darkness, hopelessness; life going wrong

8 hours of realizing you've been pretending for too long when everything is the matter

7 more tears as the sadness becomes sadder

6 lives that will be better, the people they used to know

5 wants in life that can't stop them from letting it all go

4 climaxes; rumors, boyfriends, friends, drugs; things people create

3 last words, "I finally escaped"

2 choices left the note on paper or even a tape

Unless 1 person stops them from making that mistake

The author's comments:

If you are feeling down you are never alone and there is always someone out there who loves and cares about you.

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