On Poetry | Teen Ink

On Poetry

December 19, 2018
By remi-meremb BRONZE, Kalispell, Montana
remi-meremb BRONZE, Kalispell, Montana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Bratz Dolls and angel food cake,

Recorders and tangerines.

I remember these things vividly.

I remember eating angel food cake,

While playing with our collection of Bratz Dolls.

Eating tangerines while we practiced recorder in the pit.

From preschool to fourth grade,

From preschool until I left.

I remember you vividly.

I remember your 8th birthday party,

How I made you cry,

And so I drew you a cat to cheer you up.


I cannot think of you without thinking of a fairy,

Because that is what you were.

Slightly pointed ears,

Freckles like constellations on your cheeks.

Eyes the shade of robins eggs,

Contrasted by a double layer of black lashes.

Dark waves braided into a crown,

Woven in with flowers and silk ribbon.

The author's comments:

This poem was written when I was feeling an immense wave of nostalgia for my childhood friends in my hometown. This particular poem was written about one of my closest friends, whose initials are SB. She truly is a fairy, and I hope she is doing well.

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