Starry Night | Teen Ink

Starry Night

December 19, 2018
By gabrazaldo9009 BRONZE, Mt Prospect, Illinois
gabrazaldo9009 BRONZE, Mt Prospect, Illinois
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

sunshine seeps

through my skin

slowly saturating

my soul in happy hues

like threads of yellow gold

flowing from my fingertips.

i feel like king midas:

everything i touch becomes precious.


but other times

i drown in blue

breathlesly bathed in the

boundless abyss of ocean

my lungs devoid of oxygen:

i scream but make no sound

trapped under the blanket of blue

beneath the starless, sapphore sky.


blue and yellow like

vincent van gogh’s starry night,

the subtle shades of ioy

melted into a saddened sky.

blue and yellow like

a butterfly still learning

how to spread its fragile wings and fly.

blue and yellow like

the sweet summee sun setting

on the horizon.


blue and yellow:

a balance, a blend


pure joy


melancholic despair.

The author's comments:

it was inspired by this time a conversation between a friend and i, when i first disclosed that i was depressed. he said to me, “but you always seem so happy. you always are smiling and laughing and making everyone feel happy.” that moment really struck me and made me aware of the polarizing opposites and extremities my moods can sometimes feel like—and how the happiness i feel is usually directed outward whereas my sadness comes from within.

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