Dark Man | Teen Ink

Dark Man

December 18, 2018
By Anonymous

These shadows hunt me down as I cry

Hopeless to get up but, I pray

They say ‘It won’t help you now.’

I am alone in the dark

I scream but no one hears my cries

I start to run, they just catch up

I see this dark entity, it has no face

I cry with fear and scream as they take me away

I am tied up and so sunk that I can’t get of a mess that I have made

I wake up from this dream and hear a bottle smack on the floor

I see my dad with drunken face and try to hide away

I see the man that was in my dream with no face

I say ‘hi’ and he smiles

He goes into my dad and then it's all over

I get a hit, I cry awake

I have been so depressed

The author's comments:

I was inspired to write this because there is a lot of drinking now of days. Women and men can get affected with it, especially kids. 

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