Clutching to Delusion (a restriction of dreams) | Teen Ink

Clutching to Delusion (a restriction of dreams)

December 13, 2018
By Anonymous

I’ve over exceeded myself,

placed a limit on my expectations,

tried every flavor of paint,

tried to visualize every single color

to find myself in some way;

tis’ the method to relieve the dark charcoal that has embraced me.

I'm an artist...

nothing more.

I am Sophie,

the artist.

Is that all?

I guess it's a gift;

at least many perceive it that way...

Maybe? Could be?

I don’t know? I'm not sure?

Who am I?

I'm an artist...

nothing more.

I am Sophie,

the artist.

is that all?


I recall the time I dreamed with the stars,

I overlooked the clouds that gently traveled

and fused with each other, up far.

I’d imagine my future, what it would be like.

I recall the time I dreamed of being a singer.

The rainbow lights in the stage shined on me

as I played my electric guitar and

sung with a big band,

I was the spotlight,

I was a rockstar.

Still, I am none of those things.

None of those dreams reflect me;

according to what people say.

I recall the time I dreamed of saving people.

Believing I could fly

convinced my friends to watch me

as I began to slide,

running through the concrete floor

as I reached the edge

I stopped and set a big loud thump

as I jumped off.

But, instead of being graced by the wind,

I was graced by the cold blood stained concrete floor.

I recall crying as I went to bed.

Not knowing what the future held

for me,

I guess I was and am scared.

I am Sophie.

an artist.

That's it!

I am terrible at many things:

send the cringiest texts,
have a hard time socializing

as I try to make some friends.

I am terrible at many things:

fail 20 volleyball serves in a row,

forget to drink water,

I walk down a step fall.

I want to be good at something...

Something that is not art,

Something that resembles who I am

But does not break me apart.

A talent or a gift should not define me,

Nor people’s opinion

On who I should be.

Dreams reflect my deepest truths;

They seem to be far from reality.

I choose my future,

That I'm so insecure about.

I decide on my future,

One allows me to be found.

I am Sophie.

Yeah, that's me.

The artist?

Could be.

I am Sophie.

That's all that matters.

Those who speak

Dont know me.

Those who judge

Avoid me.

I guess I’m amazing.

Truly mysterious.

I may be clumsy,

I may be cringey,

I may be funny;

I guess that's me:

A dreamer.

Trying to be something more...

A dreamer,

Named Sophie

That wishes she could do it all.

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This article has 5 comments.

CNGer2019 said...
on Jan. 10 2019 at 2:09 pm
CNGer2019, Bogota, Other
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment
This poem reminds me to keep on dreaming no matter how old you are. Keep on creating. Keep on being brave in redefining oneself.

jimenavs said...
on Jan. 9 2019 at 5:23 pm
jimenavs, Bogotá, Alaska
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment
Great reflection! Thanks for sharing! Don’t be afraid of the future! I am 35 and still reflect on your questions. Don’t fear that, just enjoy every single second of reflecting in your own mind!

Chapy said...
on Jan. 9 2019 at 4:43 pm
Chapy, Bogota, California
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment
Who is it?
It’s me!!!!

Thank you for your profound verses.


on Dec. 19 2018 at 9:20 am
kristjanscott BRONZE, Columbia, South Carolina
3 articles 0 photos 10 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Atticus,he was real nice...."

"Most people are,sout,when you finally see them"

-To Kill A Mockingbird,HAPPER LEE

It epress the same thing i feel and think sometimes,it's great poem.

on Dec. 17 2018 at 9:59 am
oorjaengineer BRONZE, Vizag, Other
1 article 0 photos 1 comment
"A dreamer trying to be something more." Has to be the best thing I've come across all day. This is so relatable, I feel kinda exposed. Thank you for writing such a comforting poem, Sophie.