wonder | Teen Ink


December 10, 2018
By Nayeliii BRONZE, Santa Maria, California
Nayeliii BRONZE, Santa Maria, California
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
It doesn't take a shooting star to make a wish

She wondered why the sky isn't blue everyday

Just like the happiness she sees in others upon its grace

Like the tears going down his cheek twice a day

The mood swings he gives her everday single day

Telling her

She's not good enough 

That she should go away


He wondered why his words hurt a lot

To his girlfriend that he loved ways too much

She gave him all her love

The ignorance she left when around his friends

But torture when left alone

The tear drops on the floor

The river that made her have anxiety

Until he saw reality


I wondered why I wasn't good enough

I see my tears everynight

Overthinking every small thing

Just to admit I loved you

Because, was that true?

Everything you said

Your actions towards me

But its okay, I'll be fine

Just let me put a smile on my face

And say it will be okay

The author's comments:

My thoughts are just here say want I feel and can't say out loud. There will be happiness but for me just not right this moment, I'll just wait for tomorrow...

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