Not Another School Day | Teen Ink

Not Another School Day

December 5, 2018
By Anonymous


Loud bangs rip the auditorium air

Screams echo throughout the hallways


It’s Tyler

The name travelled around the room

Autumn’s brother Tyler

Claire’s Ex Tyler

The Tyler who dropped out

He’s back

But not to learn

Trackies are the only ones outside

But that wasn’t their starter gun

No phones are in reach

They would have to help themselves

Tyler won’t stop

Peers become Tyler’s playmates

In his game of blaming

Autumn is the only escape

The only one who can help

But before she can

Tomas becomes sacrifice

Offered by himself

In hope to help


Sylvia’s brother Tomas

Autumn’s girlfriend’s brother Tomas

The Tomas that helped Autumn escape from Tyler to dance


How will Sylvia tell Mama that Tomas won’t come home tonight?

Autumn is the last resort

Of help

Of hope

Of survival

Until a bullet ricochets off her dancing knees

Autumn’s dancing was the only escape from Tyler

Her dancing is not in worry for Tyler now

The gun is now reversed in his hands

Tyler finishes his last kill

The author's comments:

Inspired from the novel called This is Where it Ends. This novel is about a school shooting that takes place in a small town, that everyone thought was safe and sound. Tyler is the shooter, who previously dropped out of this school, due to problems with himself and others. 

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