Painting with the Sunset | Teen Ink

Painting with the Sunset

December 3, 2018
By Anonymous

I can’t help
but stare at
the gleaming sunset
I feel
as light
as a feather

I’m amused
with the
melodic play
put on
by the
lively pastels
that are
staged on
the sky

I close
my eyes
and dream
of the
wonders that
await my arrival

I slowly
open my
eyes wishing
these fantasies 
never end

sometimes I
wish I
could join
in on
this daily
festival of
color and light

the earth’s
ecstatic ending
of the
evening transitions
to its
grand finale

a million
colors waltz
across the
tired sky
after the
sky has
painted with
the sunset

the evening
sky finally
parts way
and it
transforms into
a delicate
blue blanket
placed perfectly
above the earth

I finally say
my goodbyes
to the
entertaining sky
which I
could swear,
smiled so
gently and
softly back
at me

And there
I lay
with the
billions of
stars watching
out for
the sleeping world

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