Shackles | Teen Ink


December 2, 2018
By miasandberg BRONZE, Highland, Utah
miasandberg BRONZE, Highland, Utah
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I wore shackles

They weren’t a form of control but they protected me

The ones who broke free were in danger and needed to be saved

And every day more people were chained

I worshipped that bond,

It chained me to the wall

And the wall was safety and peace

But then one day I saw

A loved one walk free

And I asked my jailer about the chains

The more that I asked and the more that I learned

The more I realized I was bound and not free

But everyone knows that caged birds

Think freedom is a crime.

With shaking hands and tear-filled eyes I ripped the shackles free

I ran far, far away

And all my friends watched me go

I ran to places so isolated,

I thought I was the only one

I feared for my life, and then worse

But one day I found out why everyone wanted to be free

And now broken shackles

Ornament my wrists

But they remind me that I am free

The author's comments:

This piece was inspired by a faith crisis I had, and the process I went through. I was devastated at first, but now I feel free to be myself and live my life the way I want to.

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