The Man in the Shoe | Teen Ink

The Man in the Shoe

November 12, 2018
By Anonymous

There once was a man who lived in a shoe.

He was born in Waterloo.

He, however, was thrown out.

This, because he was full of doubt.

Canada never accepted him,

Poor Jim.

He currently lives in Buffaloś streets,

Without any sheets.

The shoe he resides in,

It´s made of tin.

Not as fun as it sounds,

When it has no bounds.

He cries,

He tries,

To do his best.

Now he´ll never have his vest.

He´s been fired,

Because he´s always tired.

However, he keeps on going,

Even without his job at Boeing.

No one cares,

If he falls down the stairs.

However, neither does he.

He just wants you to leave him be.

He´ll work alone,

He doesn´t even need a phone.

But it´d mean a lot,

If you geave him a cot.

Please help Jim...

Never stop bothering him....

The author's comments:

This was a story that basically went from nothig, to slowly turning into something. It´s a story based on the struggles of losing your job, your money, your family, losing everything until there is absolutely nothing left for you to lose.

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