A train down Chicago | Teen Ink

A train down Chicago

November 7, 2018
By emet_shifrin BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
emet_shifrin BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I'd hate you even if I didn't hate you!"

-Patrick Star (Spongebob SquarePants)

As I ride the blue line train through Chicago,

The crazy, glowing lights in Chinatown catch my eye,

I notice the spirited fans watching outside Wrigley Field,

I lastly see the many planes as I get off at O’Hare Int’l Airport.

I recognize the variety of people on the blue line train,

I realize how important it is.

I feel the energy of everyone eagerly waiting to get off the train,

I feel all of that as I step onto the gray rubberized floor, and sit down in the blue, padded seats.

As I go back home,

I spot the many planes behind me as I leave O’Hare,

I feel the sadness from the fans coming back from a disappointing Cubs game,

I can lastly feel activity from Chinatown as I step off the train, onto a blue, plastic, step.

The author's comments:

I wrote about the train system in Chicago because I thought that it is important to know what it is like to be on a train, since some people don't have the experience to do that where they live. I also live in Chicago.

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