Little Bird | Teen Ink

Little Bird

November 7, 2018
By NRaquel BRONZE, Eugene, Oregon
NRaquel BRONZE, Eugene, Oregon
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Hatch, little bird, Hatch.

sitting in your shell

comfortable, warm

but you can’t stay

                            B R E A K

the boundary

and enjoy the world so

Hatch, little bird, Hatch.


Fly, little bird, Fly.

spread your wings and


put your worries behind you

because if you


I will catch you so

Fly, little bird, Fly.


Look, little bird, Look.

what do you see

flying above the world?

is this what you





the blue, the green, the yellow

so closely

Look, little bird, Look.

The author's comments:

I wrote this poem while thinking about my future. I'm going to have to apply for college soon and "leave the nest". I often have thoughts about what is going to come after I leave home, and I wonder whether or not it's really all that it is made up to be.

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