Inspirational in Interpretations | Teen Ink

Inspirational in Interpretations

November 6, 2018
By TheAmericanPhilosopher BRONZE, Temperance, Michigan
TheAmericanPhilosopher BRONZE, Temperance, Michigan
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness because it shows me the stars." Og Mandio

To the north I see a cold place with warm people,

Who can always thaw an ice covered heart.

To the east I stand and raise my hand in salute,

For the first thirteen who gave us our freedom.

To the south I see soft sands and tropical breezes,

As all people stand together in an endless effort to rebuild a deadly dystopia

Back into a dynamic one.

And to the west I see cities once hungry for the greed of gold,

Now walking on roads basked In the righteous glow of sunlight.

It is our perception on the universe that we live in,

That allows us to sink or swim in the world around us.

And it is how we act on the world with that interpretation

That allows us to either sink into the dark trenches below,

Or allow us to glide across the water above

And truly succeed in life.

The author's comments:

 I am publishing this piece for two primary reasons. One reason is to ask this question: Has anyone seen the world through this lens? The lens of which I describe is a world so full of sadness and sickness powerful enough to eradicate a powerful race such as ours survive on a small word that means so much to us. That word is hope, and no matter how the world naturally tries to ruin things for everyone, we push through, and "succeed in life.". The second reason is more of a statement really. And that statement is to give everything your best shot. 

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