Friday Night lights | Teen Ink

Friday Night lights

November 6, 2018
By bjbower BRONZE, Cascade, Iowa
bjbower BRONZE, Cascade, Iowa
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The never-ending sprints,
the heavy weights,
going the extra mile,
all for a shot.

The hot summer sun,
four-hour practices,
putting on the pads,
all for a shot.

First game-
Putting on the jersey,
feeling the buzz from the crowd,
a chance to finally show out,
all for a shot.

Playoffs in sight,
got to get right,
keep working hard,
all for a shot.

Regular Season-
Practices get shorter,
focus becomes important,
it all comes down to this,
all for a shot.

Post Season-
One by one,
survive and advance,
win or go home,
all for a shot.

The author's comments:

its about my experiences in football

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