Death and its Consequences | Teen Ink

Death and its Consequences

November 5, 2018
By Anonymous

How long will he be alive, before he’s gone. Do people die, when their heart stops, or when they can’t think straightly, do anything they want to do? Scientifically, obviously, it’s the former, but when you’re first hit with something bad, Alzheimer’s for example, you slowly fall backwards. You can’t do anything at all. Aren’t you dead then? You can’t eat, talk, take a shower, you can’t do anything by yourself everything has to be done for you. You’re a baby, except instead of having your whole life ahead of you, all you have is your past. People can’t tell you to look forward to the future because really do you still have one? Can you live in the present when you don’t even understand the concept of time anymore? So really, you’re living in the past. Reminiscing over your past life, what you did then, enjoying what you were once able to do. So aren’t you already dead?

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Mr.Gr said...
on Nov. 24 2018 at 2:21 pm
Mr.Gr, Cupertino, California
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